✨ Project 2 Degree 🌡️
🌟 Our Motto
“Pledge 2 be Cool and make Earth 2° Cooler”
🌟 Introduction
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed.”
- Global warming is the increase of average world temperature as a result of what is known as the greenhouse effect. Certain gases in the atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse, allowing sunlight through to heat the earth’s surface but trapping the heat as it radiates back into space.
- It’s being predicted that by the next century Earth will see a rise of nearly 5°C in the global temperature due to Global warming.
- Team 2° believes this rise in temperature can be restrained to 2°C and aims to make it a reality with this project .
🌟 Problem Statement
🌟 Problem Solution
- Project 2° has simulated to design the most opitimal scenario to restrain the rise in global temperature due to global warming.
In this Project Team 2° took into consideration factors such as:
- Energy Supply
- Transport
- Buildings and Industry
- Population Growth
- Economic Growth
- Land and Industrial Emissions
- Carbon Removal
along with various sub-factors such as:
- Use of Coal
- Renewable Resources
- New Zero Concept
- Carbon Price
- Energy Efficiency
- Afforestation
- Use of Technology for Carbon Removal , etc.
Team 2° has also given insights about existing green technologies such as:
- FuelGems
- Climeworks
- Terramera
- CarbonCure
which are working efficiently towards Net-Zero Carbon , Carbon Neutrality or simply Carbon Removal.
Team 2° has used En-ROADS to simulate the optimal solution which is practical and achievable. En-ROADS is a transparent simulator developed by Climate Interactive, Ventana Systems, and MIT Sloan and has been calibrated against a wide range of existing integrated assessment, climate and energy models.
We also have a User Dashboard which can be accessed on authentication (Firebase Google Auth) which is user personalized and it also has a Green Chat feature.
- Green Chat is a Exclusive Feature where users can discuss with each other various solution to the problem and come up with the next big change to help us make this initiative a great success.
🌟 Simulation-GIF
🌟 Site-Preview-GIF
🌟Link to Website
Project 2 Degree
🌟 Tech Stack and Resources
- JS
✨ Hall Of Contributors
Thanks goes to these Wonderful People. Contributions of any kind are welcome!🚀